Be Bold. You Were Never Meant to Fit In. BOOK RELEASE FEB 7, 2023
My latest contribution to the collaboration book: Be Bold. You Were Never Meant to Fit In" is being released on February 7th. A couple of months back, the publishers were inquiring on topics. There were 3 topics to choose from. This topic of being bold was my absolute last pick. Shockingly, maybe only to me, this topic got 83% of the votes.The inner dialogue was as follows:"I'm not the least bit bold. I have nothing to say on the topic.""Actually, I'm timid. I've cultivated a calm and safe life where boldness is not a requirement. I've designed it that way.""I'm going to sit this one out. I hate this topic. I'll get in on the next one" then…"Well, maybe…"I started to think about my life. I began to think about the transition points in my life where I was able to change the trajectory of my life. At each turn, bold action was required. I decided I would jump in even if I didn't have a full and clear idea what to write. I guess this was a bold act as well. I was hoping my writing skills and creativity would pull me through on this one.Once I got started on the writing process, I realized that there were 4 main catalysts driving the bold actions I took. I recognized that I have a survival technique of blending in when I need to, then ascending for my own personal growth. Therefore, I named my chapter "Blend and Ascend. My 4 Catalysts for Taking Bold Action."The lesson of it all, for me and perhaps you, is that we are far bolder than we give ourselves credit for. Having the opportunity, through the writing process of this chapter, allowed me to recognize that I have been quite bold in my life. I don't shy away from challenges or scary situations. I'm able to recognize how taking a bold action will elevate my experience and my soul. More importantly, these realizations and ownership of my boldness has given me the strength and courage to take the bold actions that are to come. And I have a feeling there are many more opportunities to work my bold muscle.Below is an excerpt from the chapter I wrote. The book releases on February 7th and for a limited time will be available with a FREE kindle download.If you have get the free download or purchase the book, please consider leaving an honest review. I cannot express how critical reviews are to the success of any book. There are 15 other incredible and inspiring stories. Your support is greatly appreciated. "I don’t view myself as particularly bold. I am logical, careful, and strategic. I plan my life three steps ahead. I desire a safety net, but I have always had to weave this net by myself. I craft it so I don’t fall beyond the point of no return. Far too often, I’m strategizing and weaving during a freefall.When boldness was required, I took the steps necessary to improve and elevate my life. I’ve been bold in pursuing my own healing. I have been relentlessly focused on ascending the experiences and trauma that I apparently chose to have, to build the kind of life that I knew I could have." "Taking bold action does not mean being reckless. Bold is different from courage and confidence. Bold is being afraid and still taking a chance. Bold is traveling your life’s journey on your terms. Being bold means that you have the strength to make the choices for your highest good. Boldness includes being able to identify and pursue your passions, even in the face of objections and obstacles. Being bold means that you are unapologetically goal oriented and motivated, ready to face and overcome the fear and self-doubt that will undoubtedly show up. Traveling the road less traveled and listening to your intuition is boldness personified." Always remember you are bolder than you think. And you have all of the elements needed for boldness in the future.Find the bookBe Bold. You Were Never Meant to Fit In HEREIf you liked this blog - share with a friend. Join my email list here:Life Coaching | Los Angeles, CA | Janet Zavala CoachingJoin me on my Facebook Group where I host a supportive group for women who want to reinvent themselves, achieve big dreams, and stop letting fear and negative thinking stand in their way.Living Intentionally | FacebookCurious about what this coaching thing is. Schedule a free 30 min assessment call: Schedule NOW
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