Can you believe it? We are already transitioning into Fall. The equinox occurs on September 22 and on September 23 rd we begin the last 100 days of the year.
During this time of year, day and night are nearly the same duration. If summer is a time for fun, play and indulgence, then the Fall is the time to get focused and serious. It’s the season to create movement. Some serious action is required. We need to regain our focus, gather all our resources, and start taking advantage of the gifts that are all around us.
Unlike any year before, it feels like a significant moment of transition and transformation. Maybe it’s because we will be entering year three a pandemic, but I’m looking for signs and motivations for change and evolution. It’s time to create something new or make progress on projects and ideas that have been echoing in our brains for far too long.
This is the ideal time to really look deep into the things that have been holding you back. Look at your fears or lack of confidence. Is the source of these fears based on past experiences? Recognize and acknowledge your fears then TAKE ACTION ANYWAY. Understand that these fears will not magically disappear. They will start to fade as you start making progress on your dreams. Action, no matter how small, will start to build momentum.
It’s a great time to start creating new and healthy habits. Katy Milkman in her book How to Change talks about “The Fresh Start Effect”. There are pivotal points in our lives where change and evolution are easier. Take this opportunity of the Last 100 Days and the Fall Equinox to establish a powerful morning routine, begin exercising (like you’ve been thinking about for weeks and months), eliminate sugar from your diet (I’m doing this one!), or whatever behavior change you’ve been trying to kick start. THEN stick with it for just 100 days.
Think about what you want to manifest and bring into the New Year with you to set you on the path to success. Challenge yourself to journal daily for 100 days to get crystal clear on what it is that you desire and why. Do something daily (no matter how small) to make progress, little by little. You’ll start the year super focused and motivated because you will have a major head start on your goals.
Start to say NO to things you don’t want to do. Set healthy boundaries. Especially as we approach the holidays, there will be much demand on your time and your money. Don’t ignore your needs and don’t allow others to ignore them either. There is no need to defend your choices and your needs. You don’t need to debate the validity of your boundaries and you certainly don’t need to over-explain and justify them.
Can you feel it too? Transformation is upon us. This is a window of opportunity. Don’t let it pass you by.
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The post Time for Change appeared first on Janet Zavala Coaching.
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