Undoubtedly, change is never easy but remaining in unhealthy patterns of behavior is not sustainable for the long-term. Furthermore, resigning yourself to a life half-lived is no way to exist. Deciding to embark on a transformational journey is never an easy decision. Therefore, as we begin the New Year, it is a great time to evaluate if 2022 will be a transformative year for you.
First, let’s define what transformation really is and what it’s not. Transformation isn’t about changing who you are, it’s about getting back to the CORE of who you are and who you were MEANT TO BE before life’s experiences created fear and doubt within you.
Deciding to embark on a transformational journey resides in the small steps, not just the big life changing actions. Transformation can be finally deciding to work on the creative passion project you’ve put on hold for so many years. It can be deciding to take that training necessary to enhance your resume. It could mean applying for that job NOW even though small seeds of doubt are still lingering. In addition to these actions, it can also be taking steps to figure out why you’ve been holding yourself back for so long by engaging with a coach or a therapist.
It’s important to recognize, you already possess the skills and abilities to be the best you. At your core, you are loved with unlimited potential and a pure heart. At the same time, life events and the people around you have influenced you to become timid or scared. Therefore, these circumstances made you believe lies about yourself – that you are unworthy, unable to achieve success, or powerless in creating the life of your dreams. For these reasons, this is what you MUST change. By doing the work, you will be able to remove the negative thought patterns and transform yourself back into the authentic person you truly are.
Unquestionably, everyone experiences hundreds, maybe thousands, of catalysts for change throughout their lifetime. The real question becomes: How can people avoid changing? Change is in our nature. It is in the biology of our cells. As illustrated by the fact that you have already changed so much in your lifetime and will continue to change. Your physical body is in a constant state of change from the moment you were born. Also in the state of constant evolution are your opinions, your surroundings, the people you associate with, and your profession. You have changed your thoughts and the way you perceive people and events. With each phase of your life, you have experienced a tremendous amount of change.
Without a doubt, all life forms are non-exempt – it is our true nature. Just as it is in nature, when movement stops, life stops. Pain is a result of trying to halt this evolution. Hence, many people suffer in the resistance without realizing that transformation is our natural state. There is no reason you cannot find your way back to your true self NOW and experience the miraculous transformation for which you have been longing.
I was feeling stuck in a life that was patched together by my pain, fears, and unfulfilled ambitions. At the same time, there was an undeniable knowing that I had created this reality and it was built on a faulty foundation of conscious and unconscious bad choices and disempowering thoughts. I wasn’t entirely sure how I got there or what I needed to do to get out.
I was feeling hopelessly stuck, unable to make a move without hurting myself, or hurting someone else. In fact, there’s a sharp pain in your gut, an ache, a knowing, when you know it’s time to make a big change. Subsequently, you can either ignore that ache until it returns (because it WILL return) or you can take the opportunity to answer the calling your intuition has been signaling to you. During this time, I embodied every one of the warning signs below. There’s no shame in acknowledging where you are. There is POWER in recognizing the need for transformation.
We tend to overwhelm ourselves (me included) when we’re desperate for life solutions. Instead of making plans to take small actions every day, we set intentions for a massive and immediate overhaul – which usually ends in disappointment. That kind of change is impossible to make without methodical progress. Think about what you can do consistently every day, perhaps just for 15-30 minutes per day. These small actions over time will pay big dividends.
We all need to find our “people”. Those who are in our corners and support us. They also don’t try to solve our problems for us. They are good listeners and at most may gently point us in a direction that for our best and highest good.
There are probably tons of examples of people around you who have gone through similar changes and challenges and who have transformed their lives. Absolutely, look to them for inspiration. Not only that, if you feel comfortable, have a conversation with them and ask them about their experiences. Most people love to talk about how they’ve conquered the challenges they’ve faced.
Are you ready to embark on your own Transformational Journey?
Send me an email today at JanetZavalaCoaching@gmail.com and put in the subject line:
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